Lay Readers Commissioned, Decorated

Yesterday, 27/11/2019, we had a successful Lay readers commissioning service at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Bweranyangi.

Twelve lay readers were commissioned and 95 decorated with blue scarves. The commissioned ones were also decorated.

The function attracted hundreds of witnesses including spouses, relatives, and friends of the lay readers, who were the “bagore” of the day.

When delivering the day’s message, Rt. Rev. Johnson Twinomujuni, the Bishop of West Ankole Diocese asked the lay readers and other Church leaders to preach the gospel of salvation as they go about their service in the Church of Christ.

He noted that Church leaders and believers in Jesus Christ are fishers of men and they ought not to do God’s work without telling people to repent and receive Jesus as their Savior.

The Bishop expressed disappointment with some Church leaders, who have hidden the truth of salvation from the people, yet salvation is the most important aspect in the ministry.

He also the lay readers and the clergy against being excited by the politics of the day, saying they must not take sides, but rather, treat all people fairly and pray for them as much as they have the right to choosing leaders of their choice.

To God be the Glory!

Zadock Amanyisa
Communications Officer
West Ankole Diocese

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