Planning & Development

The Planning and Development Office plans, develops, implements, and coordinates strategic operational and administrative programs and services of broad significance to the diocese.

It establishes and implements short and long-range diocesan vision, mission, goals, objectives, strategic plans, policies, and operating procedures, monitors and evaluates programmatic and operational effectiveness and effects changes required for improvement.

The office also determines needs and plans, develops, and accesses a wide range of integrated communications strategies and programs for and behalf of the Diocese.

Another responsibility of the planning and development office is to administer, oversee, and coordinate activities of specified operating and support programs as appropriate to the objectives of the Diocese.

It also provides strategic advice and consultation to leadership in the development, implementation and evaluation of modifications and enhancements to existing operations, systems and procedures.

The office is also charged with conducting of comprehensive study and analysis of priority needs, problems, issues, concerns, challenges, resources, and opportunities of the province and on the bases thereof, prepare long-term/medium-term/annual development plans and investment plans within the guidelines of the provincial/local planning expenditure management.

Head of Department: Rev. Can Fred Tumwine Bariira

PHONE: 0702 463725/ 0772 367510