Health Department

West Ankole Diocesan health department under its goal of Building a health Community has been in existence since 1977. The department has been an integral part of the community through evangelism, service and promotion of improved social lively hood. The Diocese has continuously made direct strides to improve the health of the community of God’s people in West Ankole.

The department works in line with Church of Uganda Provincial Directorate of Health Services strategic plans, which the Diocese implements in partnership with Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB), which is the health technical arm of the Church of Uganda (COU).

The department works closely with the Bureau to coordinate health related programs and Lower Health Units initiatives through Diocesan Health Board which is a supreme to the Council and then Synod. The Diocesan Lower Units are categorised as faith based, Private Not for Profit (PNFP) with a common goal of providing affordable, good quality health care, to ensure access to quality and affordable and medical supplies from Joint Medical Stores. The Health Officer also in collaboration with JMS provides medical supplies to our facilities.  

Also, the department in partnership with District’s Health Offices and Sub District health In Charges which regulates and supervises Health facilities in respective districts of Bushenyi Sheema, Buhweju, Mitooma and Rubirizi. The Diocese in partnership with Districts as stakeholder in the health sector complementing the government’s efforts to full fill its social responsibility of ensuring good health. This intends to build and raise the profile of faith based health facilities while strengthening recognition and integration of the facilities into Ministry health system.

Through Health department, the Diocese has established health insurance scheme known as West Ankole Diocese Health Cooperative Society Ltd which is registered with Ministry of Trade and Industry and Cooperatives. The Health Cooperative has the board to regulate policies and oversee the scheme operations at provider level and ensure members get quality affordable health care services.

In relation to the above, Katungu Mission HCIII/Hospital Project is the biggest health facility in the Diocese providing health care services to Health Cooperative members. The department coordinates Mission HCIII/Hospital Project with its Management Board and other Lower Health Units at Diocesan level, Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau and Provincial Directorate of Health Services.

In July 2017 through Diocesan Health system, BARHD operations were integrated under Mission HCIII/Hospital Project to oversee Beverly and Adina HCII in their respective Districts of Mitooma and Buhweju. As BARHD operations vary quite dramatically in terms of size, duration, complexity and the number of people involved in the execution of the project, Katungu Mission HCIII/Hospital Project would probably   accomplish defined tasks to achieve the desired goal.

This will necessitate the facility to understand the realities of the situation in the beneficiary communities, including obstacles and possible allies.

Key Roles &Responsibilities

  • Coordinate, implement evaluate and supervise MHF and community based health programs within the Diocese to ensure quality health services
  • Ensure all health funds, resources and activities are managed with high level of financial accountability transparency and integrity.
  • Monitor and supervise all member facility based health services
  • Maintain an awareness of health services utilization and level of client satisfaction and intervene as necessary to address problems as they a rise
  • Support MHFs to submit budget and work plan in a timely manner.
  • Work closely with the provincial health department and UMPB and maintain good communication with other health related agencies such as MoH, JMS and local Government.
  • Mobilize the resources for Health Units from within and outside.
  • Monitor the use of human and financial resources of the facilities
  • Promote community participation in the provision and access to health services (Functionalize the HUMCs)
  • Advocate for utilization of health services offered at the health facility
  • Work together with HUMCs improvement of the efficiency and effective of health service delivery and for the upkeep and development of the facility
  • Ensure high ethical standards of the medical staffs
  • Ensure timely submission of periodic data to UPMB using the online reporting system
  • Ensure that Health Centre facility operations are in appropriate structures as recommended by Ministry of Health.

Head of Department: Mr. Cohens Mashunjju

PHONE: 0702 939966/ 0779 006039