Finance Department

The finance department is headed by the Diocesan Treasurer assisted by other support staff including the Accounts Assistants, Diocesan Accountant, and the Cashier.

The department is responsible for overall finance activities, credit control, preparation and control of the budget plan, aid coordination of the activities of the Diocese and preparation of financial statements.

It is at the same time responsible for ensuring that budget estimates reflect projected incomes and financial requirements within each particular department. All transactions should be reviewed for accuracy and approval, processed on a timely basis and numerically controlled.

The treasurer is responsible for all the monitoring and supervision function of the diocese and reports to the Bishop. It is the duty of the Treasurer to advise the Diocesan Synod, Diocesan Council, Diocesan Board of Finance, and the Bishop on the financial aspects.

He also ensures that all the financial regulations and instructions are known to his staff, observed, and carried out. It is also his duty to ensure that full and accurate accounts are kept.

The department ensures that there is adequate provision for safe custody of all documents and records cash and all other valuables of the office.

It is from the finance department that all payments are properly authorized and vouchers are kept recoding details of all payments, supervising payments including certification of invoices and requisitions.

Head of Department: Mr. Dan K. Natukunda

PHONE: 0703 559325/ 0772 475709