Missions Department
The Missions and Evangelism Department plays a role of linking the grass root churches, the diocese and mission agencies. It also coordinates Bible study groups and prayer meetings.
The missions and evangelism department has been and is still key in organizing and supporting annual diocesan missions and other related events. In these programs, we hold workshops, conferences, and seminars. These are intertwined with special and regular prayer meetings and fellowships.
In order to prepare our young children for ministry and the future Church, the department heads and encourages Sunday school development in Churches across the diocese. We do the same for the youth, Mothers, and Fathers groups all aiming at having them participate actively in Church development.
All evangelical and mission teams in the diocese are brought at the center under the board of missions where they come and work together as a team.
We have prayed unceasingly for unity, reconciliation and steady growth of our Diocese under the theme Col 3:14 “Love that Unites”
Balokole teams are mobilized into prayer teams. This has strengthened quarterly Diocesan Balokole fellowships which are conducted in the Diocese.
We ensure building and strengthening ties between the Diocesan staff and Christians through conducting workshops seminars and trainings at various levels all over the Diocese.
We also advocate and promote team work spirit amongst Bishop central staff through conducting daily fellowship in the cathedral, where Bishop’s staff share the word of God, and pray together. This has kept them strong spiritually.
Our office supports Christians in their relationship with Jesus Christ, help them to maintain healthy relationships with Jesus through reading of Scriptures and Prayer, guide them in ensuring healthy lifestyles in their homes, etc
Head of Department: Rev. Canon Abertson Arinda
PHONE: 0772 858106
EMAIL: westankolediocese@gmail.com