Primary school managers tipped on improving schools

On Friday, 13th March, 2020, the Bishop of West Ankole Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Johnson Twinomujuni met diocesan primary school headteachers, management committees and PTA chairpersons at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Bweranyangi.

The meeting was preceded by a Holy Communion service in which the Bishop reminded the congregation of Jesus’ instruction “feed my lambs” as recorded in John 21:15, so our children can grow in knowledge, wisdom, stature, and end up moral and self-reliant citizens.

The meeting was organized by the diocesan education department. Participants were tipped on how to work together as school managers to improve the status of the schools in the diocese.

These primary school managers got an opportunity to hear from one of the seasoned and successful head teachers, Mr. Martin Kananura, the former head teacher of Mbarara Municipal School. Mr. Kananura’s presentation was about *Proper leadership and management as a foundation for Primary Schools’ good performance,* through which he called upon head teachers to add value to their career by going back to school for further studies so that they can remain valuable and relevant in the fast growing society.

He challenged them to also ensure senses of responsibility, participation, and effective planning while going about their duties.

Bishop Twinomujuni, who was in the company of the diocesan secretary, Rev Didas Natweta, diocesan treasurer, Mr. Dan Natukunda, the dean, the Very Rev. Wilson Tumuhairwe, and the education secretary, Rev. Bernard Tumushabe, acknowledged with appreciation the role played by the first bishop of West Ankole Diocese, Bishop Yoramu Bamunoba in the establishment of educational institutions in the diocese, which formed a strong foundation for the success of several people across the diocese.

The bishop reiterated his commitment to improving education standards in West Ankole Diocese through providing a platform for education stakeholders to put together their wisdom and skills to create a favorable environment for schools to grow and develop.

He also emphasized compliance of managers to the guidelines and programs set by the foundation body so that they can move together and fan diocesan institutions to greater heights.

Mrs Ruth Sande, a retired head teacher implored head teachers to do their work with a clear focus of what they want their learners to become in future.

Zadock Amanyisa

Communications officerWEST ANKOLE DIOCESE

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